Understanding Health, fifth edition

Publishing October 2021

Edited by Helen Keleher | Colin MacDougall

A comprehensive introduction to public health through a social justice and equity lens. The fifth edition is updated to align with contemporary public health topics including epidemiological concepts and
COVID-19 discussions.


Please note, inspection copies will be provided as an eBook only.

New Edition
  • Nine new chapters address the most relevant and important challenges for, and changes in, public health.
  • New case studies on topics including COVID-19, global migration, climate change, anti-science and public health
    misinformation equip students with real-world examples and questions.
  • New Pause for Reflection questions encourage students to reflect on key learnings as they read each chapter.
  • New Review your Learning questions test student’s comprehension on the content they have learnt.
  • Revised Discussion Questions promote deeper thinking, knowledge and skill development.

An Instructor’s Resource Manual complements the content of the book with suggested teaching and learning exercises and
assessment strategies. These are designed for online and flexible teaching and learning as well as face to face exercises.


This edition is complemented by case studies to equip students with real-world examples and questions.
Read case study 1.1 The Unfolding of a Pandemic Disaster to see how public health initially played a role in the rapid spread of


Watch Educating the future health workforce post COVID-19 webinar to hear Helen Keleher discuss the impact COVID-19 will have on public health and health promotion.


Research Methods and Evidence-based Practice, fourth edition

Publishing October 2021

Edited by Pranee Liamputtong

This new edition has been updated to reflect the increasing importance of evidence-based practice.
It questions what type of evidence we need in health-care practice and explains how a research approach can help acquire the most suitable evidence for the situation.


Please note, inspection copies will be provided as an eBook only.

New Edition
  • Five new chapters highlight the increasing importance of evidence-based practice.
  • Updated Stop and Think boxes enable students to practise their research skills to generate evidence and critically
    reflect on their responses to important issues discussed.
  • Updated Practice Exercises encourage students to translate theory into practice.
  • Updated Research in Practice boxes provide real-world examples that demonstrate how research can be applied to clinical practice in health care.

If you prescribe this book for your course, you will receive access to the lecturer resources, including chapter objectives, icebreakers, tutorial activities, and discussion questions.


All the features included throughout the text aim to reinforce key concepts and demonstrate the application of learning.
Read the guided tour to learn more about these features and how they can help your students learn.


Internet and social media research have become crucial, particularly during the pandemic of COVID-19 during 2020–21.
This new edition addresses research using the internet and social media, and the ethical issues in online and social media research. Read a sample from the new and timely chapter (15) Internet and Social Media as Research tools for Evidence-based Practice.


Transition to Nursing Practice

Published May 2021

From Student to Professional

Edited by Helena Harrison | Melanie Birks | Jane Mills

A comprehensive, evidence-based guide to transitioning to the professional nursing role. Written by experts in their field, this book takes an evidence-based approach to understanding workplace readiness of graduate nurses.


Please note, inspection copies will be provided as an eBook only.

  • Case studies provide real-life examples of the theoretical principles.
  • Making the Transition activities consider the concepts discussed in each chapter, with reference to students own stage and degree of readiness, and assist them in developing their professional nursing portfolio.
  • Stop, Reflect and Think questions encourage students to critically reflect on what they have learnt.
  • Worksheets and checklists aim to build students confidence as they prepare to enter their first year of practice.

All the features included throughout the text aim to reinforce key concepts and demonstrate the application of learning. Read the guided tour to learn more about these features and how they can help your students learn.


An Instructor’s Resource Manual is available for lecturers who prescribe Transition to Nursing Practice: From Student to Professional for their course. The Instructor’s Resource Manual includes questions and activities to use in workshops and tutorials.

  • Dr Helena Harrison is a Lecturer in Nursing at James Cook University.
  • Professor Melanie Birks teaches Nursing (Quality and Strategy) at James Cook University.
  • Professor Jane Mills is the Dean and Head of the La Trobe Rural Health School in Bendigo.