Food, Nutrition and Health

Further reading

Chapter 1 – Food and Health: A Biological Perspective
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2012). Australia’s Health 2012. Australia’s health Series no. 13. Canberra: AIHW.
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (2012). National Food Plan green paper. Canberra: DAFF.
Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council (2012). What’s to gain from grains? An update of the scientific evidence. Available from:
Kim, Y.S. & Milner, J.A. (2012). Genes, nutrition and disease. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds), Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
World Cancer Research Fund, American Institute for Cancer Research (2007). Food, nutrition, physical activity, and the prevention of cancer: A global perspective. Washington D.C.
Chapter 2 – Applying Nutrition Principles in the Lifecycle
Booth, M.L. & Samdal. O. (1997). Health-promoting schools in Australia: Models and measurement. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 21(4): 365–70.
Brown, W., Bryson, L., Byles, J., Dobson, A., Manderson, L., Schofield, M. et al. (1996). Women’s Health Australia: Establishment of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. Journal of Women’s Health 5(5).
Darnton-Hill, I., Nishida, C. & James, W. (2004). A life course approach to diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases. Public Health Nutrition 7(1a): 101–21.
Hart, K.H., Bishop, J.A. & Truby, H. (2002). An investigation into school children’s knowledge and awareness of food and nutrition. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 15(2): 129–40.
Helman, A. (1997). Nutrition and general practice: An Australian perspective. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 65(6): 1939S–42S.
James, P. & Rigby, N. (2012). The challenge of the chronic diseases epidemic for science and society. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Krassie, J., Smart, C. & Roberts, D.C. (2000). A review of the nutritional needs of Meals on Wheels consumers and factors associated with the provision of an effective meals on wheels service–an Australian perspective. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 54(4): 275–80.
Nicholas, L., Roberts, D.C.K. & Pond, D. (2003). The role of the general practitioner and the dietitian in patient nutrition management. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 12(1): 3–8.
Worsley, A. (2002). Nutrition knowledge and food consumption: Can nutrition knowledge change food behaviour? Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 11: S579–S85.
Chapter 3 – Nutrition in a Social and Environmental Context: An Introduction
Crawley, H. & Lang, T. (2012). Nutrition, the environment and sustainable diets. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Cummins, S. & Macintyre, S. (2006). Food environments and obesity: Neighbourhood or nation? International Journal of Epidemiology 35(1): 100–4.
Germov, J. & Williams, L. (2008). Sociology of food and nutrition: The social appetite, 3rd edn. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Maddock, B., Warren, C. & Worsley, A. (2005). Survey of canteens and food services in Victorian schools. Nutrition & Dietetics 62(2–3):76–81.
Popkin, B.M. (2006). Technology, transport, globalization and the nutrition transition food policy. Food Policy 31(6): 554–69.
Chapter 4 – Food: The Primary Source of Energy and Nutrients
Almoosawi, S., Winter, J., Prynne, C.J., Hardy, R. & Stephen, A.M. (2012). Daily profiles of energy and nutrient intakes: Are eating profiles changing over time? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 66(6): 678–86.
Bellisle, F. (2004). Impact of the daily meal pattern on energy balance. Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition/Naringsforskning 48(3): 114–8.
Bellisle, F. (2010). Energy density and food intake. Densité énergétique et prise alimentaire 45(4): 169–73.
Brunner, E.J., Wunsch, H. & Marmot, M.G. (2001). What is an optimal diet? Relationship of macronutrient intake to obesity, glucose tolerance, lipoprotein cholesterol levels and the metabolic syndrome in the Whitehall II study. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders: Journal of the International Association For the Study of Obesity. 25(1): 45–53.
Cummings, J. & Mann, J. (2012). Carbohydrates. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Cutler, G.J., Flood, A., Hannan, P.J., Slavin, J.L. & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2012). Association between major patterns of dietary intake and weight status in adolescents. British Journal of Nutrition 108(2): 349–56.
Drewnowski, A. (2009). Defining nutrient density: Development and validation of the nutrient rich foods index. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 28(4): 421S–6S.
Dhonukshe-Rutten, R., Bouwman, J., Brown, K.A. Cavelaars, A.E., Collings, R., Grammatikaki, E., et al. (2013). EURRECA- Evidence based methodology for deriving micronutrient recommendations. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 53:1–43.
Kumar, V., Sinha, A.K., Makkar, H.P.S., de Boeck, G. & Becker, K. (2012). Dietary roles of non-starch polysachharides in human nutrition: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 52(10): 899–935.
Murray Skeaff, C. & Mann, J. (2012). Lipids. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
National Health and Medical Research Council (2013). Australian Dietary Guidelines. Canberra: NHMRC.
Popkin, B.M. (2011). Contemporary nutritional transition: Determinants of diet and its impact on body composition. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 70(1): 82–91.
Togo, P., Osler, M., Sorensen, T.I. & Heitmann, B.L. (2001). Food intake patterns and body mass index in observational studies. International Journal of Obesity & Related Metabolic Disorders 25(12): 1741–51.
Truswell, S. (2012). Protein-energy malnutrition. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Van Loan M. (2009). The role of dairy foods and dietary calcium in weight management. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 28 (Suppl. 1): 120S-9.
Young, V.R. & Pellett, P.L. (1994). Plant proteins in relation to human protein and amino acid nutrition. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 59(5): 1203S–12S.
Chapter 5 – Extending Knowledge of Food Components
Brunner, E.J., Wunsch, H. & Marmot, M.G. (2001). What is an optimal diet? Relationship of macronutrient intake to obesity, glucose tolerance, lipoprotein cholesterol levels and the metabolic syndrome in the Whitehall II study. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders: Journal of the International Association For the Study of Obesity 25(1): 45–53.
Brunner, E.J., Rees, K., Ward, K., Burke, M. & Thorogood, M. (2007). Dietary advice for reducing cardiovascular risk. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (4).
Cordero, Z., Drogan, D., Weikert, C. & Boeing, H. (2010). Vitamin E and risk of cardiovascular diseases: A review of epidemiologic and clinical trial studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 50(5): 420–40.
Drewnowski, A. (2009). Defining nutrient density: Development and validation of the nutrient rich foods index. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 28(4): 421S–6S.
Kumar, V., Sinha, A.K., Makkar, H.P.S., de Boeck, G. & Becker, K. (2012). Dietary roles of non-starch polysaccharides in human nutrition: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 52(10): 899–935.
Mann, J. & Truswell, A.S. (eds) (2012). Part 2: Organic and inorganic essential nutrients. In: Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Mensink, R.P., Zock, P.L., Kester, A.D.M. & Katan, M.B. (2003). Effects of dietary fatty acids and carbohydrates on the ratio of serum total to HDL cholesterol and on serum lipids and apolipoproteins: A meta-analysis of 60 controlled trials. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 77(5): 1146–55.
Murray Skeaff, C. & Mann, J. (2012). Lipids. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
National Health and Medical Research Council (2006). Nutrient reference values for Australia and New Zealand, including recommended dietary intakes. Canberra: NHMRC.
National Health and Medical Research Council (2013). Australian Dietary Guidelines. Canberra: NHMRC.
Prentice, A.M. (2012). Energy. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Proceedings of the 3rd Hydration for Health Scientific Conference: Hydration and Health. Nutrition Today 47: 4S.
Taylor, R.S., Ashton, K.E., Moxham, T., Hooper, L., Ebrahim, S. (2011). Reduced dietary salt for the prevention of cardiovascular disease: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (Cochrane review). American Journal of Hypertension 24(8): 843–53.
Taylor, R., Hooper, L. & Ebrahim, S. (2011). Dietary salt and cardiovascular disease. The Lancet 378(9808):1993.
Van Loan, M. (2009). The role of dairy foods and dietary calcium in weight management. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 28 (Supplement 1): 120S-9.
Wheeler, M.L., Dunbar, S.A., Jaacks, L.M., Karmally, W., Mayer-Davis, E.J., Wylie-Rosett, J. et al. (2012). Macronutrients, food groups, and eating patterns in the management of diabetes: A systematic review of the literature, 2010. Diabetes Care 35(2): 434–45.
Willett, W.C. (2012). Dietary fats and coronary heart disease. Journal of Internal Medicine 272(1): 13–24.
Young, V.R., Pellett, P.L. (1994). Plant proteins in relation to human protein and amino acid nutrition. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 59(5): 1203S–12S.
Chapter 6 – Categorising Foods in Terms of Nutrient Content
Condon-Paoloni, D. (2011). Food costs, diet quality and risk of disease. Nutrition and Dietetics 68: 244–5.
Drewnowski A. (2003). The role of energy density. Lipids 38: 109–15.
Fiedler, J.L. & Macdonald, B. (2009). A strategic approach to the unfinished fortification agenda: Feasibility, costs, and cost-effectiveness analysis of fortification programs in 48 countries. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 30: 283–316.
Maillot, M., Drewnowski, A., Vieux, F. & Darmon, N. (2011). Quantifying the contribution of foods with unfavourable nutrient profiles to nutritionally adequate diets. British Journal of Nutrition 105: 1133–7.
Mann, J. & Truswell, A.S. (eds) (2012). Food groups. In: Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn.New York: Oxford University Press.
Marsh, K., Zeuschner, C., Saunders, A. & Reid. M. (2009). Meeting nutritional needs on a vegetarian diet. Australian Family Physician 38: 600–2.
Marsh, K., Zeuschner, C. & Saunders, A. (2012). Health implications of a vegetarian diet: A review. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine 6: 250–67.
Palermo, C. (2011).The cost of nutritious food: A determinant of health. Nutrition and Dietetics 68: 246–47.
Radd, S. & Marsh, K. (2012). Practical tips for preparing healthy and delicious plant-based meals. Medical Journal of Australia Open. Suppl 2: 41–5.
Rangan, A., Randall, D., Hector, D., Gill, T. & Webb, K. (2009). Consumption of ‘extra’ foods by Australian adults: Types, quantities and contribution to energy and nutrient intakes. European Journal Clinical Nutrition 63: 865–71.
Reedy, J., Krebs-Smith, S.M. & Bosire, C. (2010). Evaluating the food environment. Application of the Healthy Eating Index, 2005. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 38: 465–71.
Reid, M., Marsh, K., Zeuschner, C., Saunders, A. & Baines, S.K. (2012). Meeting the nutrient reference values on a vegetarian diet. Medical Journal of Australia Open Suppl 2: 33–40.
Scarborough, P., Boxer, A., Rayner, M., Stockley, L. (2007). Testing nutrient profile models using data from a survey of nutrition professionals. Public Health Nutrition 10: 337–45.
Waijers, P.M.C.M., Feskens, E.J.M. & Ocké, M.C. (2007). A critical review of predefined diet quality scores. British Journal of Nutrition 97: 219–31.
Walker, K.Z., Woods, J.L., Rickard, C.A. & Wong, C.K. (2008). Product variety in Australian snacks and drinks: How can the consumer make a healthy choice? Public Health Nutrition 11: 1046–53.
Zeuschner, C.L., Hokin, B.D., Marsh, K., Saunders, A., Reid, M.A. & Ramsay, M.R. (2012). Vitamin B12 and vegetarian diets. Medical Journal of Australia Open Suppl 2: 27–32.
Chapter 7 – Categorising Foods in Terms of Healthy Diets
Brown, K.A., Timotijevic, L., Barnett, J., Shepherd, R., Lähteenmäki, L. & Raats, M.M. (2011). A review of consumer awareness, understanding and use of food-based dietary guidelines. British Journal of Nutrition 106(1): 15–26.
Fayet, F., Mortensen, A. & Baghurst, K. (2012). Energy distribution patterns in Australia and its relationship to age, gender and body mass index among children and adults. Nutrition & Dietetics 69(2): 102–10.
James, P. & Rigby, N. (2012). The challenge of the chronic diseases epidemic for science and society. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Kennedy, E. (2004). Dietary diversity, diet quality, and body weight regulation. Nutrition Reviews 62: S78–S81.
Kothe, E.J. & Mullan, B.A. (2011). Perceptions of fruit and vegetable dietary guidelines among Australian young adults. Nutrition & Dietetics 68(4): 262–6.
Mann, J. (2012). Diabetes mellitus and the metabolic syndrome. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Mann, J. & Chisholm, A. (2012). Cardiovascular diseases. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
McNaughton, S.A., Ball, K., Crawford, D. & Mishra, G.D. (2008). An index of diet and eating patterns is a valid measure of diet quality in an Australian population. Journal of Nutrition 138(1): 86–93.
Rossner, S. (2012). Overweight and obesity. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Sherzai, A., Heim, L.T., Boothby, C. & Sherzai, A.D. (2012). Stroke, food groups, and dietary patterns: A systematic review. Nutrition Reviews 70(8): 423–35.
Wiseman, M. (2012). Nutrition and cancer. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press
Chapter 8 – Nutrition During the Lifecycle: Pregnancy and Lactation
ADA Reports (1997). Position of the American Dietetic Association: Promotion of breastfeeding. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 97(6): 6626.
American Dietetic Association (2009). Position of the American Dietetic Association: Promoting and supporting breastfeeding. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 109(11): 1926–42.
American Dietetic Association (2009). Position of the American Dietetic Association and American Society for Nutrition: Obesity, reproduction, and pregnancy outcomes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 109(5): 918–27.
Marketing in Australia of Infant Formulas: Manufacturers and importers agreement. Available from: 48/$File/maif-agreement.pdf.
National Health and Medical Research Council (2012). Infant feeding guidelines. Canberra: NHMRC.
World Health Organization (1981). International Code of marketing of breast-milk substitutes. WHO.
World Health Organization (2002). The optimal duration of exclusive breast feeding. A systematic review. Geneva: WHO.
Chapter 9 – Nutrition During the Lifecycle: Infancy and Childhood
Avinashi, V., Secker, D. & Zlotkin, S. (2012). Infant and toddler feeding. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
National Health and Medical Resarch Council (2012). Management of overweight and obesity in adults, adolescents and children: Clinical practice guidelines for primary care health professionals. Draft for public consultation. Canberra: NHMRC.
National Health and Medical Research Council (2013). Australian Dietary Guidelines. Canberra: NHMRC.
Chapter 10 – Nutrition During the Lifecycle: The Prevention of Chronic Disease in Adulthood
Baghurst, K. (2012). Nutritional recommendations for the general population. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
National Health and Medical Research Council (2012). Infant Feeding Guidelines: Information for Health Workers. Canberra: NHMRC.
National Health and Medical Research Council (2012). Management of overweight and obesity in adults, adolescents and children: Clinical practice guidelines for primary care health professionals. Draft for public consultation. Canberra: NHMRC.
National Health and Medical Research Council (2013). Australian Dietary Guidelines. Canberra: NHMRC.
Chapter 11 – Nutrition During the Lifecycle: Nutritional Needs of Older Adults
Darnton-Hill, I., Coyne, E.T. & Wahlqvist, M.L. (2001). Assessment of nutrition status. In: R. Ratnaike (ed.). A practical guide to geriatric practice. Sydney: McGraw-Hill.
Van Staveren, W., de Groot, L. & Horwath C. (2012). Nutrition and ageing. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Chapter 12 – Nutrition During the Lifecycle: Nutrition Tools: Dietary Assessment, Food Databases and Dietary Modelling
Leach, H.M. (2012). Food habits. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Mann, J. & Truswell, A.S. (2012). Part 5: Nutritional Assessment. In: Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
McLennan, W. & Podger, A. (1995). National Nutrition Survey users' guide. Canberra: ABS and Department of Health and Family Services.
Rangan, A.M., Schindeler, S., Hector, D.J. & Gill, T.P. (2009). Assessment of typical food portion sizes consumed among Australian adults. Nutrition and Dietetics 66(4): 227–33.
Warwick, P.M. (1989). Predicting food energy requirements from estimates of energy expenditure. Australian Journal of Nutrition & Dietetics 46(Suppl.).
Warwick, P.M., Edmundson, H.M. & Thomson, E.S. (1988). Prediction of energy expenditure: Simplified FAO/WHO/UNU factorial method vs continuous respirometry and habitual energy intake. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 48(5): 1188–96.
Williams, P. (2012). Monitoring the affordability of healthy eating: A case study of 10 years of the Illawarra Healthy Eating Basket. Nutrients 2(11): 1132–40.
Chapter 13 – Food and Nutrition Policy Frameworks
Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (2009). UK food security assessment: Our approach.
Parnell, W.R. (2012). Nutritional consequences of poverty and food insecurity in developed countries. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Chapter 14 – Locations of Nutrition Practice
Baum, F. (2008). The new public health, 3rd edn. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Burke, L.M. (2012). Sports nutrition. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Charlton, K. & Skeaff, S. (2011). Iodine fortification: Why, when, what, how and who? Current Opinionin Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 14(6): 618–62.
Hawes, P. (2009). What is population health intervention research? Canadian Journal of Public Health 100(1 Special Insert): I8–14.
Mossvar-Rahmani, Y. (2012). Dietary counselling: The effective dietary counsellor. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Phillip, A. (2009). Health status differentials across rural and remote Australia. Australian Journal of Rural Health 17(1): 2–9.
Smith, R.C. (2012). Nutritional support for hospital patients. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Sun-Waterhouse, D. (2011). The development of fruit-based functional foods targeting the health and wellness market: A review. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 46: 899–920.
Tapsell, L. (2008). Functional foods: An Australian perspective. Nutrition & Dietetics 65(Suppl. 3):S23–S26.
Vorster, H. (2012). Nutrition and HIV ands AIDS. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Webster, J.L., Dunford, E.K., Hawkes, C. & Neal, B.C. (2008). Salt reduction initiatives around the world. Journal of Hypertension 29(6): 1043–50.
Chapter 15 – Future Directions in Nutrition
Clark, S.R.L. (1994). The Oxford Illustrated History of Western Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Crawley, H. & Lang, T. (2012) Nutrition, the environment and sustainable diets. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Gribben, J.R. (2006). History of Western Science: 1543-2001. London: Folio Society; 2006.
Haddow, J.E. & Palomaki, G.E. (2011). An introduction to assessing genomic screening and diagnostic tests. Nutrition Today 46(4): 162–8.
Katan, M.B. (2012). Functional foods. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Williams, P. (2012). Food toxicity and safety. In: J. Mann & A.S. Truswell (eds). Essentials of human nutrition, 4th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.