The Oxford Textbook on Criminology

The Oxford Textbook on Criminology
9780198835837 |
Binding: |
Paperback |
Published: |
22 Sep 2021 |
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$98.95 AUD
$107.99 NZD
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With its vibrant, student-focused approach and authoritative yet accessible coverage of all key topics, The Oxford Textbook on Criminology is the essential companion to exploring, explaining, and responding to crime. While other books simply impart information, The Oxford Textbook on Criminology goes further by equipping readers with the confidence and skills to form their own views and treating them as fellow knowledge-generating criminologists.
This highly engaging introduction supports undergraduates throughout their criminological journey, from their first encounter with the discipline to conducting independent research and considering career options. Its fresh, contemporary account of the subject includes chapters dedicated to the hot topics of global criminology, social harm, and green criminology, as well as 'New frontiers' boxes which highlight recent and emerging developments in each area.
At every turn, concepts and theories are set into a real world context and readers are encouraged to unpick the issues. 'What do you think?' boxes challenge students to question their assumptions and critically reflect on their personal viewpoints, while 'Controversy and debate' and 'Conversations' boxes help students apply the knowledge they've gained. The authors' explanations are brought to life by the voices and experiences of a wide variety of people connected to criminology and the criminal justice system, from students and academics to police officers and crime victims.
- Thoroughly updated to provide full coverage of today's most pressing criminological issues. The text includes new chapters on global criminology (exploring issues such as organised crime, drug trafficking, people smuggling, cybercrime, and terrorism, as well as the calls for a 'southern criminology'), social harm, and green criminology. Other content has been expanded, including that on victimology, hate crime, racial inequality and criminal justice, and the workings of the criminal justice system
- The introductory and concluding parts have been streamlined to provide even more practical, focused guidance on beginning criminological studies and applying criminological knowledge to research, careers, and further study
- In addition to being thoroughly updated to reflect the latest developments, every chapter's content has been refined to ensure that explanations, pedagogical features, and chapter structures are as clear and effective as possible
- Brand new boxed features throughout include additional 'Conversations' with academics, students, lawyers, campaigners, victims, former criminals, and graduate employers within the criminal justice system
- The updated and expanded online resources include additional multiple choice questions and notes on answers to end of chapter questions for students, plus teaching packs which provide ideas for group activities and help lecturers make use of the book's content in class.
This title is available as an eBook. Visit VitalSource for more information or to purchase.
Part 1: Journeying into Criminology
1: Studying criminology
Part 2: Exploring Crime
2: What is 'crime'?
3: What is 'justice'?
4: How criminology produces knowledge
5: Crime statistics
6: Crime and the media
7: Victimology
8: Hate crime
9: Youth offending and youth justice
10: Race, ethnicities, and the criminal justice system
11: Gender and feminist criminology
12: Green criminology
13: Global criminology 1: Comparative criminology
14: Global criminology 2: Transnational criminology
Part 3: Explaining Crime
15: Free will, classicism and rational choice
16: Biological and psychological positivism
17: Sociological positivism
18: Critical criminology
19: Social harm
20: Right and left realism
21: Integrated theories of crime
22: Searching for the causes of crime
Part 4: Responding to Crime
23: Criminal justice principles
24: Criminal justice institutions
25: Criminal justice policies and practices
26: Crime prevention
27: Crime control
28: Punishment
29: Rehabilitation of offenders
30: Alternatives to punishment
31: Critical perspectives on punishment
Part 5: Research and Careers in Criminology
32: Conducting criminological research
33: Employability and careers
Steve Case, Head of Social and Policy Studies and Professor of Criminology, Loughborough University
Phil Johnson, Academic Subject Leader (Criminology), Blackburn University Centre
David Manlow, Principal Lecturer, University of Westminster
Roger Smith, Professor of Social Work, Durham University
Kate Williams, Professor in Criminology, University of South Wales
Student Resources
The following resources are available for students using The Oxford Textbook on Criminology, second edition, for their course:
- Over 300 multiple choice questions.
- Suggested answers to the end of chapter questions.
- Additional chapters on the criminal justice systems of the UK's devolved jurisdictions.
- Checklists, templates, and resources on academic writing, research ethics, and employability.
Lecturer Resources
The following resources are available for lecturers who prescribe The Oxford Textbook on Criminology, second edition, for their course:
- Exam and essay questions for each chapter.
- Customizable PowerPoint slides for each chapter.
- A teaching pack for each chapter, containing ideas on how to use the book material in lectures and smaller groups.
- Downloadable versions of all figures in the book.