What does the white paper cover?
This paper explores the benefits and limitations of levelled texts as part of a reading program, and strategies for using them effectively. It provides evidence-based information for educators about:
- decodable and predictable levelled texts
- levelling systems
- text level allocation
- reading across a wide range of texts
- talking about reading with families, caregivers and students.
About the Author
Anne Bayetto
teaches special education at Flinders University, with a focus
on how to teach students with literacy and numeracy difficulties.
A former school teacher, she has taught in both mainstream and special needs classes. Anne has been a disability support coordinator,
a founding member of the Learning Difficulties Support Team (SA), and a literacy policy and project officer. Anne offers professional
learning sessions for SPELD and provides consultancy and professional learning sessions for educators across Australia. She was the
reading expert for the Principals as Literacy Leaders (PALL) project,
initiated by the Australian Primary Principals Association.