Useful weblinks: Health, Illness and Well-being

Part 1: Perspectives of Health, Illness and Well-being

This website and related links are prepared by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (2010). These present information about all aspects of the National Immunisation Program Schedule in Australia for vaccine-preventable diseases.
This website presents the Australian immunisation handbook, 9th edition. This publication is written by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing and NHMRC (2008). This handbook presents clinical guidelines on the safe and effective use of vaccines.
This website is prepared by the Better Health Channel (Victorian Government) (2010a). It provides information about pinworms, which are the most common type of worm infection in Australia.
This website is prepared by the Better Health Channel (Victorian Government, 2010b). It provides information about tapeworms and hydatid disease, which occur rarely in Australia, but can have serious or fatal consequences.
This website is prepared by the Better Health Channel (Victorian Government, 2010c). It provides information about the sexually transmissible infection caused by Chlamydia.
This website and related links are prepared by the Better Health Channel (Victorian Government) (2010d). These provide information about tetanus.
This website is prepared by the Chief Health Officer, Victoria, Australia (2011). It presents information about the current Pertussis epidemic in Victoria.
This website is prepared by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand. It presents information about the use of antibiotics in the production of animals raised for human consumption. This website is prepared by the Queensland Government (Queensland Health 2010). It presents information about the rare but potentially fatal disease due to hydatids.
This website and related links are prepared by the World Health Organization (2011a). These present information about bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and its significance to human health.
This website and related links are prepared by the World Health Organization (2011a). It presents information about malaria. This website and related links are prepared by the World Health Organization (2011c). It presents information about tetanus.
This website and related links are prepared by the World Health Organization (2011e). These provide general information about infectious diseases.
The series of slides (1–11) at this website is prepared by the World Health Organization (2009). It presents a global summary of the AIDS epidemic for the year 2009.
The World Health Organization (WHO) monitors epidemics and potential epidemic outbreaks. This information is available from Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the USA publishes a weekly update on figures for reportable disease called the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).
Information on population health can be found in the census. Whole population censuses are conducted every ten years by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Vital statistics (births, deaths, marriages) are often useful in epidemiology as they provide an ongoing record of information on health and mortality. In Australia, the states and territories collect vital statistics.
Morbidity data, concerning incidence and prevalence of disease, is part of compulsory surveillance and reporting collected by the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.
This government website for the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) provides a comprehensive overview of health and current health issues in the Australian population. Australia’s Health 2010 is the most recent report available.
The NSW Health Centre for Genetics Education website provides reliable and up-to-date Australian-based information for students, health professionals and members of the general community regarding human genetics, genetic conditions, and genetic testing.
The Human Genetics Society of Australasia (HGSA) provides a forum for human genetics-related professional disciplines in Australia. Their website gives a range of information relevant to human genetics and the provision of services in Australia.
This website is one of the US Department of Energy (DOE) genomic websites and provides up-todate scientific information and reports regarding the ongoing Human Genome Project.
The Council for Responsible Genetics website is an interesting and comprehensive website which aims to provide accurate and up-to-date information for the broader community regarding key social, ethical, and environmental implications of genetic technologies.
This website provides useful information about AIHW indicators of chronic diseases and their determinants.
This site has very useful summary data on the range of chronic illnesses.
Presentations are provided on the role and impact of a number of risk factors for chronic disease.
This gives a useful comparison to the Australian AIHW sites.
Details on chronic illnesses and member organisations in Australia.
Information on a range of chronic diseases.
An outline of the approach the Australian Government adopted in controlling the prevalence of chronic diseases.
This website contains information about Active Ageing Network.
In this website, readers can see information regarding the Ageing Well Research Network.
This is the website about the United Nations Programme on Ageing. Readers can find information about ageing and life course of the WHO on this website.
It provides information about US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
This website contains information about HALCyon Healthy Ageing across the Life Course.
Readers can find information about ageing in Asia on this website.
The World Health Organization website on social determinants of health provides links to publications, tools, and resources.
This is a link to the many health promotion publications released by the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation.
This is a Victorian Government website that contains information on health promotion issues, approaches, and guidelines.
This site, maintained by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth, provides an excellent list of downloadable publications on collaboration.
The World Health Organization monitors the appearance of new diseases around the world and makes available surveillance and epidemiological information about these conditions through its Global Alert and Response Network.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes a monthly report on new diseases and health conditions called Emerging Infectious Disease.
Climate change has been suggested as a major type of anthropogenic change that has the potential to affect human health. The World Health Organization Report on Climate Change and Human Health summarises current views on this topic.
This is the website about climate change in Australia.
This is a 2009 ‘Climate Change and sustainability’ Podcast, La Trobe University conversation series. Tim Flannery talks with Robert Manne, 15 June. It is about 40.54 minutes.
This is a climate change health check 2020 of Climate Institute of Australia (Horton & McMichael 2008).
This website contains Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment reports.
This website is about Sustainability Victoria.
This website contains information about the Victorian Government Department of Human Services report: January 2009 heatwave in Victoria. An assessment of health impacts.
This is the WHO paper on ecosystems and human well-being: Health synthesis. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.
This website contains WHO climate change and health Fact Sheet No. N266. More information on mosquitoes
This site is the most comprehensive in Australia and includes details on how to identify mosquitoes, how to treat sites, education resources, and hundreds of photos.
Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing produce details of arboviruses important to Australia.
This is an Australian City Farms and Community Gardens Network.
This website refers you to the Environmental Health Journal (the free access journal of Environmental Health Australia).
This website is about making places walkable.
This is the website of the Australian Council for New Urbanism.
This website represents the Congress for the New Urbanism.
This website provides information regarding the Transit Oriented Development (TOD).
This is the website about the design of public places.
This website provides information regarding VicHealth food security programs