Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 4 Student book & obook assess

Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 4 Student book & obook assess
9780190327729 |
Binding: |
Paperback + obook |
Published: |
14 Dec 2020 |
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$97.95 AUD
$110.99 NZD
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Oxford Insight Science for NSW 2E provides a clear pathway to Stage 6 success across a range of rigorous, accessible and engaging Student books, Skills and activity books and digital resources. The series provides a scaffolded approach to skill development in Stages 4 and 5 and offers unparalleled assessment support for students of all abilities.
Oxford Insight Science for NSW 2E offers complete syllabus coverage and has been revised to feature the most up-to-date case studies and scientific concepts, with an explicit focus on the development of scientific skills.
Key features:
- Staged books follow syllabus structure, making it easy to teach in any order that suits your classroom
- NSW-specific examples encourage real world application of key concepts and skills
- An easy-to-navigate spread-based layout facilitates incremental learning
- Clear, accessible, instructional language and engaging visuals capture student interest an motivate student-directed inquiry
- Check your learning questions review student progress and provide opportunities for extension
- Skill builder questions are scaffolded to develop key science skills from the syllabus
- Key science activities signposted at the point of learning direct students to: practical Investigations with an aim, method and results; Skills lab activities that teach a specific skill; Challenge activities encourage thinking outside of the box
- Chapter reviews assess student understanding, encourage reflection and suggest research projects
- Margin glossary definitions provide clarification of key terms at the point of learning
- Working scientifically chapter teaches and clarifies key science skills throughout each Stage
- Student research project chapter provides guidance and support for the research project
Melinda Mestre is a well-respected secondary school educator, with over 10 years’ experience. She has held roles as Head of Science and Assistant Head of Science focused on programming and assessment in schools within the Independent Schools sector. She teaches HSC Chemistry and NESA Stage 4 and 5 Science at St Andrew’s Cathedral School, Sydney and within her current role, Melinda delivers curriculum using the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program.
She also consults for organisations, both nationally and internationally, in examination authoring and scrutineering. Melinda currently sits on the AISNSW Science Professional Learning Advisory Committee, focusing on teacher professional development within the Independent Schools sector.
Lily Okati has been an educator for 20 years and has experience teaching Science 7-10, Physics and Chemistry. Lily has worked as Head of Science at a private school for four years, and now currently works as a Science, Chemistry and Physics teacher at Christian Brothers high school Lewisham. Lily has a Bachelor of Science, a Master of Physical Chemistry and a Master of Teaching Secondary. Her research was published, focusing on nanotubes.
Timothy Sloane has been an educator for 16 years. He is currently the Head Teacher Science of a large Sydney based High School with extensive experience teaching Science 7-10 and Stage 6 Biology. Tim has also had many years’ experience as an HSC marker and as part of the standards setting operation. Tim has also previously worked as a Research Scientist providing him with a unique insight into the real-life application of science.
Helen Silvester has been an educator for over 20 years and has held Head of Science positions in a number of schools. She was shortlisted for the 2014 and 2017 Prime Minister’s Secondary Science Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools and was Victoria's representative for the BHP Billiton Science Teachers Awards.
Helen has a wealth of experience writing and reviewing and has been an active participant in the Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA), Australian School Science Information Support for Teachers and Technicians (ASSIST) and Science Teachers Association Victoria (STAV). Helen has also worked as a researcher at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and the Royal Children’s Hospital. Currently Helen is Director at the STEAM-focused Casey Tech School.