Oxford Insight Science for NSW
Stages 4 & 5

Brand-new edition coming soon for the new Science 7–10 Syllabus
We know some schools are thinking about jumping into the new Science 7–10 Syllabus (2023) early in 2025. Before you make that leap, we’ve got some exciting news!
Introducing Oxford Science Stages 4 & 5 NSW Curriculum - available from July 2025!
Teach the new Science 7–10 Syllabus with confidence and provide a clear pathway to Stage 6 success, with an explicit focus on engagement and skill development. Our brand-new editions feature best-in-class print Student Books, as well as next-gen digital resources for both students and teachers delivered on the new Oxford Digital. This digital experience supports teachers with lesson planning and in-class instruction like never before.
Ensure you choose the resource that’s best for you and avoid the cost, time and hassle of switching later - have the best possible from the start. We’re here to support you, with interim planning and teaching resources and guidance to help you transition to the new syllabus smoothly. Let’s make sure your students have the best shot at success!
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Develop science skills for HSC success from day one
Oxford Insight Science for NSW 2E provides a clear pathway to Stage 6 success with an explicit focus on scientific skill development. All tasks and activities are skill focused and framed using NESA keywords, aligning the series with the requirements of the new Senior Science syllabi.
New stage-based resources
The series provides a scaffolded approach to skill development across two stage-based volumes, providing excellent value while introducing students to the structure of the HSC and giving teachers the flexibility to teach the syllabus in the order that best suits their class.
Comprehensive support
Key investigations are supported by targeted instructional videos. These videos can be used by schools requiring additional resources to perform experiments and also help support students who miss experiment days. Low-tech practicals are included to support classes without lab access.

Key features of the Student books
Oxford Insight Science for NSW 2E Student books feature a simple, engaging design with targeted on-page features that support student understanding and progression.
Each Student book:

Provides tasks and activities that are explicitly skill focused and framed using NESA keywords, aligning the series with the new Senior Science syllabi.

Features a Working scientifically chapter to teach and clarify key science skills throughout each Stage.

Provides margin glossary definitions for clarification of key terms at the point of learning.

Supports differentiation through Skill builder questions that are scaffolded to target key science skills from the syllabus.

Offers Check your learning questions to review student progress and provide opportunities for extension.

Includes NSW-specific case studies to encourage the real world application of key concepts and skills.

Presents key subject matter using clear, accessible, instructional language and engaging visuals.

Contains a student research project chapter to provide guidance and support throughout the research project.
Oxford Insight Science for NSW
Oxford Insight Science for NSW 2E resources are published
in stage-based volumes, providing excellent value while introducing students to the structure of the HSC.
Stage-based resources provide you with the flexibility to teach the syllabus in the order that you want, confident that your students have access to complete coverage of syllabus content.
Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 4 2E Student book + obook assess |
Print book with 24 months digital access. |
Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 4 2E Student obook assess |
Includes 24 months digital access |
Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 4 2E Teacher obook assess |
Teacher digital access available to adopting schools. |
Institutional purchases
Please contact your Education Consultant if your school purchases resources on behalf of students and requires multi-year digital subscriptions. If your school has a different model, ask your Education Consultant about purchase options. |
Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 4 2E Multi obook assess |
Includes 3 activations, each valid for 24 months. |
Chapter 1 | Working Scientifically |
Chapter 2 | Forces (PW1) |
Chapter 3 | Fields (PW2) |
Chapter 4 | Energy (PW3) |
Chapter 5 | Energy efficiency (PW4) |
Chapter 6 | The changing Earth (ES1) |
Chapter 7 | Earth, Sun and Moon (ES2) |
Chapter 8 | The Earth’s resources (ES3) |
Chapter 9 | Water (ES4) |
Chapter 10 | Classification (LW1) |
Chapter 11 | Cells (LW2) |
Chapter 12 | Functioning organisms (LW3) |
Chapter 13 | Health science (LW4) |
Chapter 14 | Sustainable ecosystems (LW5) |
Chapter 15 | The nature of matter (CW1) |
Chapter 16 | Elements and compounds (CW2) |
Chapter 17 | Mixtures (CW3) |
Chapter 18 | Chemical change (CW4) |
Chapter 19 | Student research project |
Chapter 20 | Investigations |
Glossary | |
Index |

Title | Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 4 2E Student book + obook assess |
ISBN | 9780190327729 |
Available | December 2020 |
Price | $89.95 |
Oxford Insight Science for NSW
Oxford Insight Science for NSW 2E resources are published
in stage-based volumes, providing excellent value while introducing students to the structure of the HSC.
Stage-based resources provide you with the flexibility to teach the syllabus in the order that you want, confident that your students have access to complete coverage of syllabus content.
Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 5 2E Student book + obook assess |
Print book with 24 months digital access. |
Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 5 2E Student obook assess |
Includes 24 months digital access. |
Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 5 2E Teacher obook assess |
Teacher digital access available to adopting schools. |
Institutional purchases
Please contact your Education Consultant if your school purchases resources on behalf of students and requires multi-year digital subscriptions. If your school has a different model, ask your Education Consultant about purchase options. |
Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 5 2E Multi obook assess |
Includes 3 activations, each valid for 24 months. |
Chapter 1 | Working Scientifically |
Chapter 2 | Wave and particle models (PW1) |
Chapter 3 | Objects in motion (PW2) |
Chapter 4 | Electricity (PW3) |
Chapter 5 | Energy conservation (PW4) |
Chapter 6 | The Universe (ES1) |
Chapter 7 | Plate Tectonics (ES2) |
Chapter 8 | Global systems (ES3) |
Chapter 9 | Body systems and responses (LW1) |
Chapter 10 | Managing ecosystems (LW2) |
Chapter 11 | Genetics and biotechnology (LW3) |
Chapter 12 | Evolution (LW4) |
Chapter 13 | Inside the atom (CW1) |
Chapter 14 | The Periodic table (CW2) |
Chapter 15 | Chemical reactions (CW3) |
Chapter 16 | Using chemistry (CW4) |
Chapter 17 | Student research project |
Chapter 18 | Investigations |
Glossary | |
Index |

Title | Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 5 2E Student book + obook assess |
ISBN | 9780190327781 |
Available | December 2020 |
Price | $89.95 |
This series is available as part of an Oxford Value Pack. Available for Years 7–10, Value Packs provide marketing leading resources and premium digital support at a reduced price.
Oxford Insight
Science for NSW
Oxford Insight Science for NSW Skills and activity books are designed to help students revise course material and explore opportunities for extension.
With an engaging design, full-colour photos and relevant scientific diagrams throughout, these write-in workbooks provide students with additional tools to develop their understanding of the key science skills.
Key features:
- Literacy builder activities develop students’ vocabulary, speaking, comprehension and writing skills
- Questioning and predicting activities develop the skills required to identify questions, make predictions and form hypotheses
- Planning investigations nurture understanding of identifying/controlling variables, fair tests, risk assessments, individual and collaborative work, lab settings, equipment and materials
- Conducting investigations activities develop students’ abilities to follow procedure, perform roles safely, record data accurately, assess the method and identify improvements
- Processing and analysing data and information tasks build students’ skills in summarising and organising data, extracting information from visual representations, performing simple calculations and proposing inferences based on data
- Problem solving activities coach students to suggest possible solutions, evaluate claims and solve inadequacies in data collection or analysis
- Communicating activities introduce students to writing scientifically, presenting results and information and using different formats to communicate
- Skills lab practical activities and investigations give students an opportunity to apply critical thinking, inquiry skills or design/adapt an experiment
- Handy hints provide tips on how to approach different skills, remember key information and interpret data.

Title | Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 4 2E Skills and activity book |
ISBN | 9780190327736 |
Available | December 2020 |
Price | $34.95 |
View Sample Chapter | |
Order now |

Title | Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 5 2E
Skills and activity book |
ISBN | 9780190327798 |
Available | January 2021 |
Price | $34.95 |
Pre-order now |
Oxford Insight
Science for NSW
Oxford Insight Science for NSW 2E Student packs combine Student books, Skills and Activities books, and a comprehensive suite of integrated obook assess digital resources into a convenient, easy-to-use package for students.
Student packs offer an excellent value learning solution, providing complete syllabus coverage, scaffolded skills development and further opportunities for revision and extension at a reduced price.
Stage 4 Student pack includes:
- Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 4 2E Student book + obook assess
- Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 4 2E Skills & Activities Book
Stage 5 Student pack includes:
- Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 5 2E Student book + obook assess
- Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 5 2E Skills & Activities Book

Title | Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 4 2E Student pack |
ISBN | 9780190330200 |
Available | December 2020 |
Price | $114.95 |
Order now |

Title | Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 5 2E Student pack |
ISBN | 9780190330217 |
Available | December 2020 |
Price | $114.95 |
Order now |
Oxford Insight Science for NSW 2E offers comprehensive digital support for students and teachers, including Quizlet quizzes, worksheets, sample data and experiments with supporting videos.
Market-leading digital assessment features include auto-marked quizzes, differentiated activities and advanced tracking and reporting tools (including sophisticated Markbook functionality).
Resources for students
Students receive:
- a complete digital version of the Student book with note-taking and bookmarking functionality
- targeted instructional videos for key investigations
- low-tech practicals to support classes without lab access
- engaging worksheets for every chapter, designed to consolidate and extend understanding on key points from the syllabus
- interactive activities to consolidate student understanding of key content
- chapter revision worksheets to further consolidate understanding
- auto-marking multiple-choice quizzes
- free Australian Concise Oxford Dictionary look-up feature
- weblinks
- flashcard glossaries.

Resources for teachers
In addition to the student resources, each Teacher obook offers:
- detailed course planners, teaching programs and lesson plans
- answers for every question in the Student book
- write-in worksheets, risk assessments and lab tech notes for every investigation
- differentiated checkpoint worksheets to suit different abilities and learning styles
- printable (and editable) class tests with answers for every chapter.
With Teacher obook assess, teachers can also set up classes, assign work, monitor student progress and graph results.

Assessment functionality
Every chapter of Oxford Insight Science for NSW 2E is supported by quizzes that assess students' level of understanding, monitor progress and track engagement.

The assessment features enable teachers to:
- filter online test and quiz results by class or group
- add results from self-administered tests
- add comments
- focus on teaching – administration is taken care of!

New enhanced reporting features include HTML or PDF student progress reports containing all test results, quiz results and comments.

In an Australian first, Oxford has partnered with Quizlet to offer free access to additional content that will drive engagement as students compete in real-time online quizzes and fun study activities.
Quizlet integrates fun and functionality with Oxford's tried and tested content.
Sample Insight Science for NSW Quizlet content is now available for you to try online.

Meet our expert
author team
Oxford's experienced author team bring their unparalleled expertise to the new editions of Oxford Insight Science for NSW.
Melinda Mestre is a well-respected secondary school educator, with over 10 years’ experience. She has held roles as Head of Science and Assistant Head of Science focused on programming and assessment in schools within the Independent Schools sector. She teaches HSC Chemistry and NESA Stage 4 and 5 Science at St Andrew’s Cathedral School, Sydney and within her current role, Melinda delivers curriculum using the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program.
She also consults for organisations, both nationally and internationally, in examination authoring and scrutineering. Melinda currently sits on the AISNSW Science Professional Learning Advisory Committee, focusing on teacher professional development within the Independent Schools sector.
Lily has been an educator for 20 years and has experience teaching Science 7-10, Physics and Chemistry. Lily has worked as Head of Science at a private school for four years, and now currently works as a Science, Chemistry and Physics teacher at Christian Brothers high school Lewisham. Lily has a Bachelor of Science, a Master of Physical Chemistry and a Master of Teaching Secondary. Her research was published, focusing on nanotubes.
Tim Sloane has been an educator for 16 years. He is currently the Head Teacher Science of a large Sydney based High School with extensive experience teaching Science 7-10 and Stage 6 Biology. Tim has also had many years’ experience as an HSC marker and as part of the standards setting operation. Tim has also previously worked as a Research Scientist providing him with a unique insight into the real-life application of science.
Helen has been an educator for over 20 years and has held Head of Science positions in a number of schools. She was shortlisted for the 2014 and 2017 Prime Minister’s Secondary Science Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools and was Victoria's representative for the BHP Billiton Science Teachers Awards.
Helen has a wealth of experience writing and reviewing and has been an active participant in the Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA), Australian School Science Information Support for Teachers and Technicians (ASSIST) and Science Teachers Association Victoria (STAV). Helen has also worked as a researcher at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and the Royal Children’s Hospital. Currently Helen is Director at the STEAM-focused Casey Tech School.
Register now to view sample content
Access your Teacher Dashboard sample
Please complete the form below to access a selection of Oxford Insight Science for NSW Stage 4 student and teacher resources and test the upgraded functionality of the Oxford Digital platform. REQUEST SAMPLE
The Teacher obook assess Dashboard sample includes a sample chapter from the Student book accompanied by a selection of draft digital resources including:- Student book questions and answers
- support sheets and worksheets
- practical activities
- teacher notes
- experiment support (including mock data and answers, lab tech notes and risk assessments)
- chapter tests, class tests, practice exams and more.
For a guided walkthrough of Oxford Insight Science for NSW’s innovative new Markbook functionality please request a consultation with your local Oxford Education Consultant here.

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